Miramichi Area
Next distribution day for the Miramichi area is March 12th ! Please remember to submit your payment by the first Wednesday of the month - March 5th!
Alnwick Region
Next distribution for the Alnwick region is March 11th! Please remember to submit your payment by the first Tuesday of the month - March 4th!
$20 a bag with an estimated retail value of over $40
Fresh for Less bag
Help increase access to healthy food in our communities.

become a volunteer!
The Fresh for Less program is successful because of our devoted volunteers who show up month after month.

One Time Order
Fresh for Less bags are $20 each with an estimated retail value of over $40. Purchase a one-time bag.

Monthly Subscription
Your card will be charged automatically once a month from the initial date of purchase.

Sponsored Bags
Sponsor a Fresh for Less bag to help increase access to healthy food for our communities.